Thursday, February 26, 2009


Opened the mailbox, there's two for me. One from ucas, one from yyun. Whee, received her letter at last. She told me last time she gonna send me one as she is bored. Being the only girl in her class, makes the matter worse but I guess it would be better soon. She wrote that during her lecture,haha. Find hand written letters to each other is kinda fun! =D She will only be back in mid may, sighs. 3 more months to go. Hehe.

yyun's letter

Ooh, and I got rejected from uni of manchester, I feel numb, haha. I still believe there will be a good uni accepting me later. *hopes* Why canadian uni app fees can be so freaking expensive, ishness. Grrrr.

On the other note, lately darl like to 'carress' me during class. Sometimes so ticklish, and another friend of mine, 'carress' and wrote on my hand. I'm victimised! Haha. Don't worry darl, I won't report to the authority,lol. =P

And now I haven't start typing my econs assignment yet due tomorrow. =X *lethargic*

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