Friday, March 27, 2009


First half of the day, test and class. Then took time to search for past year papers online and the web cannot be accessed, ish. So got to manually took the sets of papers and waited patiently from the little hole in library and kindly asked the photostat lady to make a copy. And she took her very own sweet time and let us waited soooo long. Hmph!

Prove: pathetically waited at the 'little hole', that was shuling

Then had an hour chat with wei wei. Xiting jealous and merajuk, haha. Don't be, I treat you icecream ok? xD Later on yeivern's surprise birthday celebration at rooftop. There's this balloon 'wedding gown' thingy did by wen cuan for yv, so cute, lol. =P And they played the wedding song when she came up. Hah.

wencuan doing the balloon gown for yv

the people who came to the rooftop

birthday girl wearing her balloon gown =D

So the celebration is about cheering, singing b'day song, cutting cake, eating cake, people fooling with each other etc. May yeivern has a blessed birthday. :)

Hmm, being childish once in a while? xP

MY xiting and me,hahaha

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