Friday, January 1, 2010

The start of a new decade

I started my new year with a flu. I started my first hour of new year eating cheese cake and watching a thriller/horror movie- The orphan, which made me hard to fall asleep later. My mum said the movie was great as it was thrilling and exciting. =X I woke up in the new year with a stupidly blocked nose too.

I watched 3 movies altogether today, the orphan, this is it and the ugly truth. The backdated ones.

My ama was so cute, she said she too countdown for the new year. She usually sleeps at 9+ at night but on new year eve she told my agong that he cannot sleep first. They must wait till it strikes 12am and my ama tear down the chinese paper calendar of the last day 2009 and open a new calendar 1st jan 2010.=D

At night, went to 4th aunt's house for new year dinner. I must remind myself it's this year, no more next year 2010.

dishes all cooked by my aunt! and her self made noodles

agong and ama <3

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 again!

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